January 6, 2013

Raspberry Chocolate Chip Banana Bread

I think our porch has been claimed by a mutant squirrel. He has no fear, and is very hungry. I've caught him gnawing at the bottom of Bracken's food bag... the bag that sits out there, wide open at the top... and when I go out to shoo him away, he meanders over to the railing, hops up, and stares at me. I have to get within a foot of him before he'll jump off to the tree! I'm thinking he's also not to bright...

Here's where the mutant part comes in: I left my camera on the table outside last night. Seeing as how that is my food photography studio, I do that often. Not when it's raining or something, obviously. When I went outside to get my camera this morning, it was gone. We live on the second floor, so I doubt someone climbed up and stole it, it's not even a very good camera! All that was left on the table was the wrist strap and the batteries. I looked closer at the batteries... and there were teeth marks. Luckily, I found my camera under the table, sans strap and batteries, looking like it had been in a fight with... well.. a squirrel!! Apparently it has a taste for cameras and batteries!! I hope it doesn't develop a taste for windows... or small children...

Anyway. I first saw this recipe on Pinterest, from Recipe Boy. I really wanted to like it, but unfortunately, it kinda failed. So I made my own, using my favorite Banana Bread recipe. You should still go check Recipe Boy out, he's such a doll. How many 11 year olds do you know who want a food blog for their birthday??

Raspberry Chocolate Chip Banana Bread
Printable Recipe

2 cups flour
3/4 tsp baking soda
1/2 tsp salt
3/4 cup sugar
1/3 cup unsalted butter, at room temperature
2 eggs, at room temperature
1/4 cup plain Greek yogurt
1 tsp vanilla
3 very ripe bananas, smashed with a fork
1 cup chocolate chips
1 cup frozen/fresh raspberries, tossed with 1 tsp flour
sliced almonds (optional)

Preheat oven to 350. Line and or grease a loaf pan, set aside.

Sift together the flour, baking soda and salt. Set aside.

Cream together butter and sugar till fluffy. Add the eggs, beating well after each. Add yogurt, vanilla, and bananas. Mix well. Add the flour mixture and stir until just barely blended. Bits of flour are acceptable!! (If you're using a mixture, I highly recommend stirring this part by hand. Over-mixing is the number one cause of tough banana bread!!) Gently fold in raspberries and chocolate chips.

Pour batter into pan, sprinkle with sliced almonds (if desired) and bake for 50-70 minutes. (This may take a bit longer to bake all the way through. Test with a toothpick) Cool bread in the pan on a wire rack for a few minutes, then remove. Serve warm, so the chocolate is all melty!
You don't have to add almonds, I just think they're pretty, and love the bit of crunch they add. Yes, this bread does come out a bit darker. I suspect it may bake faster (and lighter) if you use fresh berries, but frozen was all I had, and it was still delicious!
Bananas, raspberries, and chocolate. Simple awesome combination!! From this picture you might think that everything sank to the bottom, but it didn't! I can prove it!
Enter slice number 3!! I'm just going to sit back and let you absorb that sight. Scrumptious.


  1. This looks awesome!

    1. Thanks for stopping by!! It's positively addicting :)

  2. This sounds and looks absolutely amazing, I will have to try it!

    Sparkles and Shoes

  3. This bread looks GORGEOUS!!! love that you've put raspberry and chocolate in there!
    Mary x

  4. Hi April,
    Your Raspberry Chocolate Chip Banana Bread looks delicious. I am visiting from Yvonne's OTMM, and thank you for sharing your recipe.
    Miz Helen

  5. Loving your daybook and I am loving the looks of that bread, whether the berries sunk or not! Happens to me a lot too. I'm not sure why! Pretty much loving this whole post because, yes . . . I also adore Chickadees, Zoos and well . . . YOU! xxoo


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