June 30, 2012

Don't leave me!

Well, my few and much-loved readers, I am back in the hospital. Fortunately, we were pretty prepared for this and are looking ahead to an improved quality of life. This does mean my baking activities will be kinda limited for a week or two, but my fantastic hubby is more than willing to help with back-up! He's going to make some of our favorite recipes for the boys while I'm in here, take pictures, and I will write about it! It's a good thing for him too, forces him to make real food instead of fried eggs and ordered pizza. So don't desert me, this is just a blip, I promise!! Thanks for reading!!


  1. Girlie, take it easy! I am interested in seeing if Stephen is as great of a cook/baker as you are!! Even if not, it'll make for great blogging material.... What NOT to do, or Just How Detailed Must Instructions Be For Your Husband? I think either way, you're going to have plenty to write about!

    Well, get yourself better AGAIN and I hope to see you soon.

    1. Stephen is a great cook!! We team up quite a bit in the kitchen. His forte is meat, though, he has the knack. I usually overcook steaks and things, so he handles them :)

  2. I shan't desert you! I've begun 'following' you on my Google+ profile, so now you have another dedicated reader! I hope the procedure goes well and you'll be out of the hospital soon! Praying for ya sis ^_^

  3. eh, ya slacker!! Just kidding. I'm bringing some recipe books from Lysa for you to peruse!

  4. I looked at all your pictures and read all of your blog. You are a very wonderful and inspiring writer. I enjoy your creativity and talent. Keep sharing your gifts...I am so thankful to know you :) You are in my prayers

    1. Thank you so much!! I'm pretty darn thankful to know you too. :) I'm so glad we ended up near each other!

  5. Won't dessert you OR desert you! Hang in there, April. Sending healing thoughts in your direction.


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